The RD Group Of Industries

We're Your Business Buddy! We offer you the services which help you to grow your brand & build multi-stream's revenue at an affordable cost.

Something about us

We are The RD Group Of Industries, is a one of the leading information Security Company in India
that provides, Penetration Testing,
Vulnerability Assessment,
Digital Forensics & Data Recovery,
Competitor Analysis &
other traditional services like
Application Development,
Web Development & Security,
& Digital Marketing / SEO Services.

We Do Development

We can develop applications, websites, web-applications which can help you to grow your business and can be a great source of revenue as well.

We Do Social Media Marketing & SEO

We can do Social Media Marketing which can help you to grow your brand much faster & SEO which will keep you top of the search results.

We Do Penetration Testing

We provide you the penetration testing at most affodable cost so you can fix your vulnability before hackers can use them aggainst you.

We Do Website Security

We can protect your website froms hacker who can ruin your online business & reputation using your site.

Our Services

Featured Services We Are Offering

Application Development

Application Development

We can develop applications which can be a great source of passive income for you.
Website Development

Website Development

We can build websites & web-applications which can help you to grow your business world wide.
Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

We can do Social Media Marketing which can help you to grow your brand much faster.
Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

We can provide you the Search Engine Optimization service which will keep you top of the search results.
Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

We provide you the penetration testing at most affodable cost so you can fix your vulnability before hackers can use them aggainst you.
Website Security

Website Security

We can protect your online business from the hackers who can ruin your business & reputation.
Cyber Forensics

Cyber Forensics

We provide cyber forensics services for collecting digital information from a particular computing device in a way that is suitable for presentation in a court of law.
Data Recovery

Data Recovery

We Provide Data Recovery Service for (retrieving) inaccessible, lost, corrupted, damaged or formatted data from secondary storage, removable media or files.

Our Blogs

Phoenix Web Vulnerability Scanner
4 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Having a Mobile App
Why Mobile Apps are Important for your Business?
The Importance of a Website for Your Business Success